Everyday Freedom - Susan's Talk at Heart-Mind 2019

In the noise and confusion of modern life, it’s often lost on us that while we can’t necessarily change every situation, we have the freedom to choose how we respond, and, in so doing, train ourselves and our children to be the people we aspire to be. With messages of peace on earth, goodwill toward men, and how light dispels darkness, the holiday season, perhaps more than any other, is an opportunity to reflect on the qualities we hope to embody.

Inside all of us is a wide-ranging array of universal qualities. In this public talk at Heart-Mind 2019, Susan explores the ones that bring out the best in us like wisdom, compassion, patience, kindness and awareness; qualities that lead to focused attention, the ability to see what’s happening within and around us clearly, and a strong capacity to regulate emotion. These are the qualities both children and adults call upon when they’re under pressure or in a sticky situation, ones that offer a glimpse of everyday freedom. 


Laura Greenfield leads “Rocking a stuffed animal to sleep”


Susan demonstrates the Snow Globe Game