Rain Perry is Organizing Sit-Ins at LA Facilities Housing Children Who Have Been Separated From Their Parents


Rain Perry reminds us that it takes sustained unrest to make change happen. She's organizing sit-ins at Los Angeles facilities housing separated children.

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Thanks to Gael Biden of UCLA's Mindful Awareness Research Center for connecting us with singer-songwriter Rain Perry who writes:

Hey, friends who are sick about this awful situation with the children and wondering what to do. There are lots of upcoming actions scheduled - phone campaigns, marches, and sit-ins. This is all good and we should attend all of them. What makes change happen is sustained unrest

So this is an action that - as a mom - I feel called to do. I’d be grateful for anyone who wants to join me, and please spread the word. Let’s see if we can get this idea launched.


You may know about the Mothers of the Disappeared in Argentina. This was the group of brave mothers and grandmothers whose children were disappeared by the government in the 1970s and who bravely stood in the Plaza de Mayo to protest. 

We are beginning to learn the names of the facilities housing children who have been separated by the inhumane Trump administration policies. I'm recruiting fellow parents and friends to sit in front of every facility until every child is returned

So let’s start with Los Angeles. I’m asking you to spend four hours next week (plus drive time) sitting in.

I’ve set up a database for the two Los Angeles area facilities, ready to have all other facilities added. 

  1. If you click the link, you’ll see two folders - one called “#TakeAShift Template” and one called “California.”
  2. Open the one called “California.”
  3. In there you’ll see two choices - La Verne and Fullerton. Pick one and open it. (If you click the “La Verne” one, you’ll see where I signed up.)
  4. Choose a time that works for you and write your name in. 
  5. Email me at rain@rainperry.com and let me know you’re doing it, and I’ll forward you some advice about the etiquette of protesting and sitting in.

If you want to do more:

  1.  Share this post with all your sympathetic friends, and ask them to share it. If we can get enough people doing this, we can rotate in and out in the midst of our busy lives and always have a presence.
  2. Help me build the database to include other cities and facilities. Email me at rain@rainperry.com for instructions.
  3. Share on social media - when you’re there, tweet, faceboook, facebook live, etc using hashtags #TakeAShift #familiesbelongtogether

Thank you.

xo Rain

Updated on June 25th:

 Over the weekend (!), Rain created a website Every Child Returned with a list of the locations of reported by major press outlets to be caring for or placing separated babies and children.  Check it out. 


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