video lessons + more for adults

Simple, mindful insights & lessons to easily integrate into your daily life.

Watch Susan’s everyday mindfulness lessons designed to integrate mindfulness seamlessly into daily life.

Join Susan in these bite-sized videos as she shares how her latest book blends ancient wisdom, modern science, and personal narratives, empowering readers with simple yet profound techniques to navigate the complexities of our contemporary world.

Experience Susan’s presentations firsthand as she blends mindfulness practices with modern psychology in accessible and engaging ways.


Watch Susan’s everyday mindfulness lessons designed to integrate mindfulness seamlessly into daily life, providing accessible practices and insights to foster resilience, reduce stress, and enhance overall well-being for individuals of all ages.

real-world enlightenment

Explore Susan's latest book through these quick videos, where she discusses how it draws upon diverse wisdom traditions, scientific research, and her own experiences, providing readers with pragmatic yet potent tools for navigating the complexities of our times.


Susan offers practical techniques and mindful approaches to cultivate resilience, well-being, and emotional intelligence in both children and adults, in these presentations that blend mindfulness practices with modern psychology in accessible and engaging ways.

mindfulness resources for adults